This is something we are focusing on for IGI 2, something which will be much more important than in Project IGI.IGI was known more for its “sneaker” qualities. You can choose to play it in a fast-paced Quake-style way, but you can also focus on stealth and a careful approach to progress.
How do you feel the IGI series is different from the competition?I think the main difference is the freedom of choice. This means that you can’t just press a button, but have to find a quiet spot where you can upload the relevant information to your headquarters.The tactical shooter market is starting to get a ittle crowded with the release of games such as Ghost Recon and Operation Flashpoint, along with stalwarts such as the Rainbow Six and the Delta Force series. In IGI2 Covert Strike, saving will be a time-based action. Was there a reason why Innerloop didn’t go back and do the same for IGI? How is the save issue being addressed in IGI2: Covert Strike?Implementing a save-game, as a quick fix would have ruined the balance of Project IGI.
Predator received similar feedback and a patch was produced to add a save feature to the game. In the smaller levels of the first game it worked exactly as we envisioned.Aliens vs. Unfortunately, some of the levels got too big and that’s what makes it unfair to the player. Did this backlash surprise you?AWell, we knew some people would love it and others hate it. Tuning the multiplayer experience is another one.One of the biggest gripes with IGI was the lack of a mid-level save feature. Implementing a save-game feature while retaining the tension that made the first game successful is quite a challenge. Now on to the interview.Can you tell us some of the challenges involved in making IGI2: Covert Strike a new experience but yet keeping it faithful to the original game? We will keep everyone posted as soon as we learn more information. As you will learn from this interview, some of our questions were of a sensitive nature and this might explain why we haven’t heard from our interviewer, Jimyd since he uploaded this interview. Rokling some questions about Innerloop’s first I’m Going In (Project IGI) game and what we should expect from IGI2: Covert Strike. Loadedinc was able to link up with Henning Rokling, Managing Director of Innerloop for some of his thoughts on their upcoming sequel to I’m Going In, IGI2: Covert Strike.